Sunday, September 21, 2008

Black Sesame Egg Yolk Mooncake

I know the Mid-Autumn Festival is over and this mooncake was so good, so this recipe is a keeper and has to be documented. Don't the egg yolk look so much like the bright moon on the 15th night of the 8th moon? The egg yolk is homemade with free-range chicken egg and the how to is here and

Pastry and lotus paste filling - follow the recipe from here
Salted Egg Yolk
Lotus paste (100 gm for a mooncake)
Black Sesame
150 gm lotus paste
30 gm ground black sesame
10 gm peanut butter
(The above makes 6 portions of 30 gm to a mooncake)

To assemble:
Wrap egg yolk with black sesame lotus paste and wrap again with lotus paste.
Wrap with pastry and bake.


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